I'm a Denver-based award-winning musician and meditation enthusiast at
Denver Meditation Center.
Music has been an integral part of my life from a very young age; a calling. I began playing piano at the age of 2 and started my formal musical training when I was 6. After receiving accolades for music achievements in school, I became a founding member of Brain Laughter from which the music label, "Spotted Peccary Music,"emerged. I was on a trajectory to become a successful recording artist.
But, my soul calling pulled me in a different direction. By the early 90's, I began my journey as a practicing yogi: studying sexual liberation, spiritual practices, transformational meditation, and living in modern-day ashrams.
The last 10 years I've turned my attention to developing unique ways to pass on wisdoms that I received through the years of my study.
My musical career has been dedicated to writing shamanic journey music for transformational meditation and breathwork through a variety of genre's including: World Symphonic, Pop Ballad, New Age Piano solo, and Yaht Rock. I also DJ music from other artists as well to facilitate meditation.
Music is the language of the soul.
Meditation is medicine.